

MiVisions International is a business service and consultant firm offering dynamic and value driven solutions to companies interested entering the emerging markets.

Our target is to help companies with great products to enter into a global market, adapt to a suitable positioning strategy, connect with investors and distributors, and most importantly, to help you grow and sustain your market share.

Some of our areas of operations include:

  • Advertisements and documentaries for products and services
  • Launching, sampling and pitching
  • Product distribution
  • Partner identification and matching
  • Sales and cost benefit analysis
  • Pricing strategy and much more

All of our projects and operational processes are based on solutions and the project at hand. As a result of this focus, research and development (R&D) is an essential element for offering quality services to our clients and impacting our triple bottom line target - Quality of Services, Job Creation, and Communal Impact.

Through R & D, we have been creating new and exciting opportunities in the world surrounding sustainable and green projects as well as lucrative business opportunities for innovators that have yet to find an outlet for their ideas. Our cutting-edge strategies and processes are changing the world and fostering a sense of well-being in all of our clients.

Here at MiVisions International Ltd., we prioritize and give significance to the power of R&D in resolving existing and future challenges, in improving existing solutions, and in digging for more opportunities for progress. We believe that R&D that is not utilized is R&D not done.

Project execution is normally carried out in teams based in the selected region. Within the past four years, we have become increasingly interested in projects focusing on clean technology, security, and health care. We are also open to new field projects that can be carried out from every unit of our operation.

Our teams are a mix of both highly experienced masters of their craft as well as students and researchers of the trade. We have a diverse mix in order to create new and well-rounded sets of teams. We always put a focus on the sustainability of our projects and allow innovators to thrive by working with us on these projects.

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